lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007


yesterday turned out to be a not so bueno day. me and jose hiked to our little garden with our host brother Frenel. the game plan was to transplant some brocolli and harvest some big juicy rabanos (radishes).

we walked down the small hill approaching our garden and...... devestation. all of our radishes were gone. and it wasn't because some chicken or insect chomped down on them. someone or (somebodies) stole them. i think having something stolen is one of the worst feelings in the world. even if the something stolen has little or no value (i.e. rabanos) it is just the feeling of being in some way violated.

what strikes me more however is how sad it is that somebody would actually steal vegetables either for their own consumption or to sell at market. My host grandmother said that this is actually a fairly common occurence. my little host brother said he would start guarding our garden for us. definetely appreciate the sentiment, but he's nine and his best weapon is a rock he sometimes totes around. it's a really big rock, though:-)

asi es la vida.

the rest of the day went fine. we transplanted, and i helped dona marta shuck some black beans (we've shifted from shucking green beans to black beans).

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